"This is eternal life, that they may know You, the one true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent." John 17:3

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Tay-Hahs :)

WELL. Quite a bit has happened since my last real blog. We have settled in to San Antonio and have been here for a little over a month now - hard to believe! Michael hasn't had to go into work full time yet (he starts Thursday) so it feels like we've been on vacation. The two of us have been bumming around town, making trips to see my parents, church hunting, and hanging out with good friends, and eating way too much Chick-Fil-A.

Our friends Dave and Sarah - Mike met Dave in 2001 when he lived here and the two of them have stayed very close. Sarah and I get along really well and the four of us have lots of fun together.
Shannon and Bart - We know Shan from Omaha. A few years ago she moved away and met and married Bart. They live in Houston, so we've been able to spend some time with them. They are such a blast.
The biggest news in our lives is that we are now Uncle Mike and Aunt Francey! Mike's sister Candy and her husband Travis had their first son, Truman, two weeks ago. Mike was able to fly out and be there for the birth. I get to meet him over Thanksgiving and I can't wait!

We are very proud and excited and thankful that God has given him to parents who love Him and who will raise him with God's truth!

All in all we feel like we are settling down comfortaby. We've decided to go to a church we've been eyeing and have visited a couple of times called Believers' Fellowship Church. I've really enjoyed looking around and seeing what is out there, but I am so eager to get some solid teaching and dive into ministry and making some more Christ-centered friendships!! We thank the Lord for the MANY ways He has blessed us here in TX!


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you guys love TX! Sounds like things are going well for you and I can't wait to hear more adventures! Lova ya, Miss ya too! Or is it yall now? Wait, that doesn't make sense.... :)

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